
The mentoring projects serve to enhance the personal development of young people and adults, as they progress through various stages of life. The Youth Projects in particular are geared towards encouraging positive social interaction and learning.


4. Through an exciting graphic design course students discover how to produce an industry standard result using Apple computers and software.

5. Through a computerised music course students discover how to produce industry standard results in music compilation, using Apple computers and software.

6. “How I made It” Workshops - where business people and professionals tell their story of underachieving at school and how they turned things around. The main purpose of the workshop setting is to encourage aspiration to succeed. 


MFA - Mentoring for Achievement

The Mentoring for Achievement project is a support programme aimed towards high school students aged 11-16 yrs. The nature of the programme is to support and inspire High School students who are consistently under achieving the GCSE C Grade across the subject spectrum. The programme has a number of key features:-

1. Target to understand and remove any barriers for learning through qualified mentors.

2. Develop life and personal skills that contribute to a new aspiration in learning.

3. Working with mentors and community role models.

Course Benefits

The students who attend the MDF programme will benefit from the befriending nature of the project as the mentors agree and partner with the students. The students will also develop the benefits of working with peers and adults as a team. At the end of the course a certificate
of achievement will be awarded
